5 Penis Enlargement Techniques That Work


There’s no need to feel strange about wanting a larger penis. Many men deal with insecurities about the size of their penis which can affect their sexual function. If you also struggle with erections, this combination can feel overwhelming and helpless. Though you may feel this way, you’re in luck because there are things you can do to potentially increase your size and feel more confident in yourself.

1. Manual methods.


If you weren’t previously aware, there are manual functions you can perform with your hands to increase the overall size of your penis. These are varied stretching and at-home techniques that do not require any mechanism. One of these is Kegels. For men, a kegel is performed by squeezing the same muscles that you use during urination to stop your stream. You can strengthen the muscles within your penis by doing this exercise and working it into your daily activities from practically anywhere.

Another hands-on method is called jelqing. It is a penis stretching exercise that has the potential to enlarge your penis too. Jelqing is reportedly done by making a circle with your thumb and index finger. You then use this shape at the base all the way towards the top, decreasing the size of the shape as you reach the top. You should then momentarily stop before repeating the motion, and remember to only perform this exercise for up to twenty minutes each day.

2. Pump.


You can also use devices, like a penis pump to increase the size of your penis. Before using a pump, be precautious and always weigh out safety options for your particular case. For example, if you struggle with erectile or other sexual dysfunction, then a pump may not be the right choice for you. As a brief overview, to use a pump you insert your penis into the tube part of the pump. Then air is removed by the type either manually or through pumping. As the air is removed, the pressure increases forcing your penis to increase blood flow. This increase in blood flow causes the veins within the penis to fill out. Once you’ve reached an erect state, you stop using the pump. Overall, a pump is an effective way to increase penis size prior to sexual activity.

3. Supplementation.


If you’ve been struggling for quite some time and you’ve tried these exercises consider the help of a supplement like Erectin. Unlike other costly male enhancement supplements that promise results, Erectin actually delivers. Consider this Erectin Review which reveals a prospective study for anyone who struggles with incompetence during sexual activity. In this study, men between 25 and 50 years of age had some form of positive results. Some of these positive results include increased ability to maintain an erection, increase in sexual function and satisfaction. If you’re looking for a sure-fire way to improve the size and lasting ability of an erection, then give this high-quality, proven supplement a try.

4. Healthy lifestyle.


Though you can’t directly affect your size from a healthy lifestyle, it does still play a role in the proper erecting and sexual function of your penis. One of these factors is partaking in moderate physical activity. Another is to maintain a healthy diet and weight. Last but not least, make good decisions for your overall health like cutting out smoking or excessive drinking. By committing to these choices, you can show improvement when it comes to sexual activity.

5. Something to remember.


Take a moment to learn the facts as you try out your different measures. Boston Medical Group reports that 90% of men have erect penises from 4 to 6 inches. So, size is fairly subjective to personal preference. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t explore enlargement options, but rather remember that you need to feel confident with who you are in addition to trying out these measures.