Oral Fluid Drug Testing: What It Is and How It Works

a close-up of a glass of liquid

There are many benefits to having a drug-free workplace. First, a drug-free workplace is essential to keep productivity high. Drug use diminishes productivity by impairing judgment, reducing energy, and causing accidents. Second, a drug-free workplace is essential to keep workers safe, as drug use increases the likelihood of workplace accidents, job injuries, and fatalities. Third, a drug-free workplace is essential to maintain a positive image since drug use can tarnish a company’s image and reduce its competitive advantage.

Finally, being drug-free is simply the right thing to do. Drug use can lead to addiction and other health problems, and it can also lead to criminal activity, such as theft to support a drug habit. A drug-free workplace is the best way to protect employees, the company, and the community. Continue reading to learn how oral fluid drug testing can keep your workplace drug-free and how it works.

What is an oral fluid drug test?


An oral fluid drug test is used to detect the presence of drugs in a person’s saliva. Oral fluid drug tests are becoming increasingly common, as they are easy to administer and provide relatively quick results. Oral fluid drug tests can be used to test for the presence of a variety of different drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, opiates, and methamphetamines.

One of the main advantages of oral fluid drug tests is that they are relatively noninvasive. Unlike blood tests or urine tests, oral fluid drug tests do not require the use of needles or other invasive procedures. Oral fluid drug tests are also quick and easy to administer, making them a popular choice for employers and law enforcement officials.

How does an oral fluid test work?


Oral fluid testing is a simple procedure that uses a sample of oral fluid that is collected from the inside of the subject’s mouth. The sample is collected using a device, which may look like a toothbrush or stick, depending on the test. This device is used to swab the subject’s gums and inside of the cheeks to collect the fluid. The device and oral fluid sample are then placed in a vial and sent to the laboratory for analysis. The analysis will determine the presence of drugs in the sample.

What are the advantages of an oral fluid test?


There are many advantages to using oral fluid tests in the workplace. Some of these advantages are described below:

  • Oral fluid tests are easier to administer than urine tests. They can be completed quickly and easily, without the need for a toilet or privacy. The test can be performed in a variety of settings, including the workplace, school, or home.
  • Oral fluid tests are less invasive than other types of drug tests. They do not require a sample of urine, and they do not require the subject to be naked.
  • Oral fluid tests can show recent drug use that happened in the past few days while urine tests may only detect drug use from the past few weeks. This is because it takes more time for drugs to be metabolized and show up in urine, but oral fluid will contain traces of the drug almost immediately.
  • Oral fluid tests are less likely to be tampered with than urine tests. They are easier to administer, and there is no opportunity for the subject to dilute or adulterate the sample since the collector can watch the subject during the entire test.
  • Oral fluid tests are less expensive than other types of drug tests. They are easy to administer and do not require special equipment or training.

Overall, an oral fluid test is a great way to test for drug use. If you want to keep your workplace drug-free, consider using oral fluid drug tests.